Bias Reporting
College of Saint Mary is committed to creating and maintaining an atmosphere where all members of the community—students, faculty, staff, and visitors—are treated with respect and dignity.
The college does not discriminate in employment, educational programs, or other related activities on the basis of, or a person’s association with, a person(s), age, disability, class/socioeconomic status, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or presentation, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, family status, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other basis protected by federal or state law.
The college will strive to protect, to the greatest extent possible, the confidentiality of all persons involved in the reported incident. Depending on the nature of the incident, the college may have a legal obligation to address certain reported incidents and/or take corrective actions. Disclosure of the information or sources may be necessary and will be limited to the extent possible. For additional information about incidents that require mandatory reporting, please see the Title IX policy.
Reporting incidents of bias helps the College promote inclusion and equity and respond to incidents that are harmful to the campus experience and climate. This process is not a mechanism for investigative or disciplinary action. The process does, however, allow the college to track bias incidents, collect aggregate data, identify educational responses, and connect individuals affected by bias incidents with supportive resources.
How to Report a Bias Incident
If you were the victim or target of a bias incident or witness any bias conduct and wish to report a bias incident, you may do one of the following:
- Email with details of the incident
- Use the online form: Bias Reporting Form
Anonymous Reporting- Bias Incident
An individual may report the bias incident anonymously. Anonymous report can be made online: Bias Reporting Form.
If you become the victim or target of a bias incident or witness any bias conduct, please do the following to document the incident the best you can:
- If the bias incident involves a verbal act, write down exactly what was said.
- If the bias incident involves a written text, assignment, or similar communication, record or collect the text.
- If the bias incident was in the form of graffiti, vandalism, or public postings, contact Campus Security immediately so that they can document the evidence and take responsibility for its prompt removal.
- If the bias incident involves emails, text messages, or communication through online and/or social network sites, print or make a record of the message.
- If the bias incident involves a telephone conversation, record the time and date of the call, the names and phone numbers of the individuals involved in the incident.