BS Plant Protection, Cornell University
MS Plant Pathology, Iowa State University
PhD Plant Pathology, Iowa State University
Areas of Expertise
Teaching,+ Read More
BS Plant Protection, Cornell University
MS Plant Pathology, Iowa State University
PhD Plant Pathology, Iowa State University
Areas of Expertise
Teaching, Plant Pathology, Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria
Accomplishments and Published Articles
Higley, L. G., Higley, P. M., & Brosius, T. Value of “bad” drawing in teaching. (2023). The American Biology Teacher (in press).
Higley, P. M. 2018. Encouraging Classroom Participation Through In-Class Reviews. Teaching Professor, 32(3), 3.
Higley, P.M. “What is biosecurity?” in Aponte-Cordero, W.V. and Nielson, Al L. 2009. Understanding biosecurity and its limitations. American Entomologist 55: 145-156 (Non-refereed)
Higley, P.M. and L.G. Higley. 2007. Limitations to the use of plant pathogens as agents of bioterrorism. XVI International Plant Protection Congress Proceedings volume 2 (Non-refereed).
Higley, L.G. and P. M. Higley. 2007. Can insects be bioterrorism agents? XVI International Plant Protection Congress Proceedings volume 2 (Non-refereed).
Zinniel, D.K., P. Lambrecht, N.B. Harris, Z. Feng, D. Kuczmarski, P. Higley, C.A. Ishimaru, A. Arunakumari, R.G. Barletta, and A.K. Vidaver. 2002. Isolation and characterization of endophytic colonizing bacteria from agronomic crops and prairie plants. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68:2198-2208.
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